Answering questions about Invisalign

If you are currently in treatment with Invisalign or if you are considering Invisalign, you’ve probably thought about at least one of these questions. Don’t worry! Because Glander Rochford Orthodontics was listed as a Diamond Invisalign provider in 2019. That means this practice sees more patients for Invisalign than any other practice in Indianapolis or Greenwood, and we have heard just about every possible question.

Answering your questions about Invisalign:

What happens if I lose/misplace or break a set of Invisalign trays?

With each set of aligners, we are making very small movements. Because of that, if you or your child loses or breaks a set, just move right on to the next set. Most likely, this new set will feel extra tight, but just add a few extra days on to how long you wear them and you should be good to go! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Will I talk funny?

All Invisalign trays are unique to each individual undergoing treatment. Some trays have parts that may feel different on the back of your teeth or hit your tongue in a way that is different than without the trays. When this happens, we have patients asking if they sound any different and to us (and their friends and family) they sound totally normal! What we have learned is that the individual may sound different to themselves, but no one else can tell the difference.

How long do I need to wear the Invisalign trays?

The length of each Invisalign treatment plan is different, but if you wear your trays all day and night when you are not eating (the recommended 22 hours a day) you will go through treatment as quickly as possible.

How long does Invisalign treatment take?

This depends on the individual being treated, but if you wear the Invisalign trays as much as possible throughout the day, your treatment will be completed as quickly as possible for you.

How often will I be coming to appointments?

When patients are going through treatment with Invisalign, we give them all of their trays at one appointment. At that appointment, we schedule a follow-up visit to make sure everything is going according to plan. Luckily, you will only need to be seen around every three months!. 

Schedule an appointment

If you are considering braces or Invisalign you can contact us on our website, by email at, or give us a call at (317) 888-2827.

We proudly serve the Indianapolis and Greenwood, Indiana communities.